Restorative Counseling Services, LLC

"Changing the World One Family at a Time"

We Want To Help...

Bullying has become a serious epidemic in today's society and has been identified as the reason for suicide and homicide. This has to stop! We now have laws and guidelines to protect our children from being bullied but it's simply not enough. We as mental health professionals, parents and caregivers need to take it a step further in advocacy to help our youth. We at RCS want to be apart of that solution not problem. We are offering free groups to children who are being bullied to help psychologically equip them to defend themselves against these bullies. Our group "Inside the mind of a bully" helps to educate children on how to psychologically understand bullies to avoid being a victim.

This issue is deep and is two fold. We also need to reach the children who are acting as the bully because there are some very serious issues within that child that need to be addressed as well. We need to start at the root of this plague and those children who are bullies are suffering too whether we want to acknowledge it or not. No child wakes up one day and decides to become a bully. They too are victims. At RCS we treat bullying from a wholes tic approach, from the bullied, the bully and the parents. This issue won't stop until it is addressed in it's entirety. The "Hurt" group which addresses the self-esteem and overall mental health of the bully is offered at RCS as well. These groups are separate and free.

We are doing our part to become apart of the solution and not the problem so now it's your turn.


If you know of anyone who is being Bullied please fill out the form below and we will

contact you to confirm your slot for 11/16/2019 @ 11:00 a.m.


    Let's get this right, we can't afford to keep losing.